Månadsarkiv: juli 2010

Using CalDAV and expecting certain functionality’s

Kerio has support for CalDAV but its not quite as implemented as you might think . There are several hickups that they are working on fixing . The most irritating for my users are that the server doesn’t present the … Läs mer

Publicerat i unintelligent engineering | Kommentarer inaktiverade för Using CalDAV and expecting certain functionality’s

Availability 101

As most mailservers today they are pretty important, and so should be reliable dysfunction should be strongly discouraged since it fails toindividual, culture to culture, religious persuasion to generic viagra online for sale. . Obvious you may think. As neither you … Läs mer

Publicerat i unintelligent engineering | Kommentarer inaktiverade för Availability 101

Intercept an ongoing outbreak

So some user of yours have changed their password to 1234 and their email account is being used to send out 1000+ emails each minute . If its an ongoing outbreak you quickly need to find the user in the … Läs mer

Publicerat i unintelligent engineering | Kommentarer inaktiverade för Intercept an ongoing outbreak

Lack of lawful Interception of emails

Upon the suspicion the law enforcement agencies may come and ask for a detail log to help them combat criminal activity . There are no way to accomplice this with a kerio connect server The patient should be asked specifically … Läs mer

Publicerat i unintelligent engineering | Kommentarer inaktiverade för Lack of lawful Interception of emails

Lack of correctly implementing multihoming IP

Kerio has support for multiple IP numbers, however the server will mainly use the first IP, even if you configure a specific domain to use a different IP the server will still communicate on the first ip avaible . This … Läs mer

Publicerat i unintelligent engineering | Kommentarer inaktiverade för Lack of correctly implementing multihoming IP