Månadsarkiv: november 2022

Key Components of Pv Agreement

When it comes to installing solar panels, a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) can be a great financing option for both residential and commercial property owners. A PPA allows property owners to have solar panels installed on their property at … Läs mer

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Pipsc Agreement

The Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPSC) recently reached a new collective bargaining agreement with the federal government. This agreement is significant for the approximately 60,000 professionals who are represented by PIPSC, as it outlines their … Läs mer

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English Law Security Agreement

An English law security agreement is a legally binding contract that outlines the terms and conditions under which a lender extends credit to a borrower. The agreement is designed to provide protection to the lender in the event of … Läs mer

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Westinghouse Cooperation Agreement

The Westinghouse Cooperation Agreement: What It Means for the Energy Industry In September 2021, Westinghouse Electric Company signed a Cooperation Agreement with the Polish government to develop a nuclear power plant in Poland. This agreement not only marks a … Läs mer

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