Månadsarkiv: februari 2022

Iowa Uniform Premarital Agreement Act

Marriage contracts can be an instrument to preserve the wealth that is brought into a marriage. These agreements must be in writing and signed by both parties to the marriage. Prenuptial agreements are not enforceable if one of the … Läs mer

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Interior Decorator Contract Agreement

If you`ve ever had a customer who didn`t think the purple sofa would be SO purple, you know how important this clause is in your contract. This is also why CFAs (cuttings for approval) are important and encourage your … Läs mer

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Influencer Service Agreement

In other words, the influencer cannot assign his rights to another party. However, you may need to indicate that the new company can take over the contract if the company is acquired. Influencer marketing is a modern social media … Läs mer

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Indemnity Bond Format for Employment

Unlike other jurisdictions in India, there is no protection for a restriction, whether or not such a restriction is appropriate in relation to the period after completion of employment or the geography in which such a restriction applies. Employers … Läs mer

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Implied Lawyers

If you are looking for an implied trust, or if an implied trust has been issued due to alleged misconduct on your part, you should contact a trust lawyer. An experienced fiduciary lawyer in your area can advise you … Läs mer

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How to Write a Tenancy Agreement Uk

The rental agreement is a form of consumer agreement and, as such, it must be written in simple, clear and easy-to-understand language. It must not contain terms that could be ”unfair”. This means, for example, that the lease cannot … Läs mer

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How to Sue a Business Owner

As you can see, this can get extraordinarily complicated. If you are able to pursue an LLC, you should consider contacting an experienced business attorney who will guide you through the legal process. A third reason is the tax … Läs mer

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How to Register a Sole Proprietor Business in the Philippines

It is recommended that you obtain a business permit from the Local Government Unit (LGU), which governs the city where your business is located before starting your business. You can do this at the same time as your BIR … Läs mer

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How to Make a Contract Legally Binding Canada

Consideration as part of a legally binding contract does not have the same meaning as the word consideration in general language. While ”reflection” (common sense of consideration) is prudent in contract negotiations, the word ”consideration”, as it applies in … Läs mer

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How to Get Contracts for Staffing Agency

It`s a good idea to occasionally contact previous clients to find out if they need additional help with staffing. Just because a company has already used you doesn`t mean you`re automatically their referral agency for every vacancy that comes … Läs mer

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