Månadsarkiv: oktober 2021

Agreement on Trade in Services and Investment

The World Trade Organization (WTO) has recently been focusing on the Agreement on Trade in Services and Investment (ATSI). This agreement is a game-changer for businesses worldwide as it strives to promote fair competition and access to markets for … Läs mer

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Consumer Rights Act 2015 No Contract

The Consumer Rights Act 2015 (CRA) is a piece of UK legislation designed to protect consumers in their dealings with businesses. It sets out a number of rights and obligations that businesses must follow when dealing with consumers, including … Läs mer

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Party Wall Agreement Template Gov.uk

When it comes to party wall agreements, the UK government has provided a helpful template on their official website, gov.uk. If you`re planning on undertaking work on a party wall, it`s important to adhere to the guidelines set out … Läs mer

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